About the sites

Julian's Blog: Made by Julian Cranberg in October, 2006. Tells about his life. URL: www.juliansawesomeblog.blogspot.com

Cousins' Blog: Made by Julian Cranberg in April, 2007, used for Cranberg Cousins Communication (you need to sign in.) URL: www.cranbergcousins.blogspot.com Notice: Never used anymore.

Julian's Games: Made by Julian Cranberg at a summer camp in 2006. Has links to games. URL: www.jcsgames.0catch.com

Nieman Watchdog: A site where Gil Cranberg (a great writer for an Iowa newspaper) posts some of his articles. URL: http://blog.niemanwatchdog.org   

Cranberg.net: Owned by Andy Cranberg. URL: www.cranberg.net

