Julian's Center for Global Warming Prevention
Global Warming Links:
http://stopglobalwarming.org/ An organization fighting global warming
http://www.algore.com/ Al Gore's site, information about global warming and An Inconvenient Truth
http://www.ecobridge.org/content/g_cse.htm Some main causes of global warming.
http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/ Information and causes of global warming.
http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/sgw_actionitems.asp A few things YOU can do.
http://www.environmentmassachusetts.org/ Environment Massachusetts site, information and petitions to the government.
About BEAT club:
BEAT (Brookline Environmental Action Team) is a club started at Baker School in Brookline to help prevent global warming in our neighborhood. Check the blog (below) for updates about meetings.
http://wbztv.com/weatherfeatures/climate/beat.club.baker.2.718299.html News Broadcast
Bar-Mitzvah Project
After many signatures, letters to representatives, and rallies, the Global Warming Solutions Act finally passed the Massachusetts Legislature on July 31, 2008. The Global Warming Solutions Act is an important piece of legislation: it will set the standard on companies based in Massachusetts so that the whole state together will reduce its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.
The legislation passed in the Senate earlier this year. Then the campaign’s goal was to get the legislation brought up in the House of Representatives. That required a lot of pressure to be put on Speaker of the House, Rep. Sal DiMasi to bring the bill up for to a vote. The legislation finally passed in the House, and then the bill bounced back to the Senate. At the last moment possible, the Senate passed the bill. Environment Massachusetts and many of the bill's other supporters are happy about their success and not having to do so much work pressuring the Senate and the House anymore. This law will make Massachusetts a leader in the country for reducing carbon emissions.
My role in helping to pass the legislation:
During various events at Temple Hillel B’nai Torah in West Roxbury and at events concerning global warming, I collected over 100 signatures on petitions to support the law. Deval Patrick spoke at MIT on Earth Day in April, and I delivered the signatures to Ian Bowles, Deval Patrick's top environmental advisor who was at the speech. I also went to a rally in front of the State House in June when pressure was being put on Speaker DiMasi to pass the law. After the rally, my parents and I went to see our State Representative Mike Rush, and our State Senator, Cynthia Creem, to urge their staff to make sure that they both voted yes on passing the bill. On the day of the final vote in the Senate, I called Cynthia Creem's office to urge her to vote “yes” to pass the bill.
At the beginning of this campaign, many people thought the bill might not pass because Governor Deval Patrick was not showing active support for the bill. He was focused on his own Energy bill—which was very good as well-- which passed the Legislature earlier this summer. But with many people's hard work and effort, the bill was passed. This new law will make an impact on the rest of the country to start reducing carbon emissions before it's too late.
More on the bill: http://www.environmentmassachusetts.org/action/global-warming-solutions
© 2009 Julian Cranberg. All rights reserved.